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The keepers of the flame empower GOLD, an golden light, with the intention of bringing forth a change within the system, Gold demands honour, as it is the sacred substance of spirit within earth, gold works for the blood energy of the human body, it acts as a super conductor between cellular genetic and spiritual cosmic energy for alchemical healing.I n silence the keepers of the flame have held onto the golden light and have watched the miss-use of physical gold, as it HAS been possessed.
The quantity of gold that you hold is not important as the earth knows its children by their blood energy signature. The reign of terror that has been forced upon those weakened by fear is that condition of the population guided by ignorance, when the truth comes then there will be the awakening to the golden light. The galactic golden doorway is open; the ones who have waited for and found the portal open may enter into the golden light of enlightenment and alignment with higher expression and oneness with ascended beings of light.

There are ones who have slept and not listened to the ancient stories of this coming revelation. The transition from the black age has seen greed lust fear violence death conflict an secrecy, oil an coal burns with the smoky fire of power an confusion, it has shielded the higher light and left the children of the light soiled and poisoned by the taint of the filth covering of matter over light.
The black age has brought to humanity a time where the race has tested and tempered skill talent desire courage and wisdom, on the game board of life some members of humanity have chosen to attract dense desires and fight against the life of the flow, they ARE a ..Black alliance.. a cult of death in dark contrast to the path of golden light.
The way showers have come to be messengers of the white light that moves with the flow of light. From this day u shall now see the end of the black age for the ones who dwell in secrecy can no longer hide from the truth and expansion of the universe.
The opening of the golden doorway allows each being to be presented with the wealth and abundance of intelligence and wisdom, guarded by compassion and devotion to become realized within the framework of the divine. ~
Gold Ring 52B Galactic Doorway
Truth walkers

ulminating the end of the satya yuga, the beast consciousness is rife on earth.
The Black Alliance is not just the obfuscated elites of the world but anyone of the lower form, who has not accepted the central message realizations such as "we are one, in every way"- including universally and on this planet as humanity, making each human one cell of that larger body-humanity. Anyone who remains in the ignorance fog about their enslavement. Anyone who has not accepted their higher emotional feeling body- do not care for another, chooses profit over empathy etc,  profit or money over environmental integrity, health etc,( if you create static in your humanity system, by holding another down or back or aliken, you suffer from it, as your in that finite system too ).  The ones who have forgotten or not realized their sacred complex and oh so beautiful nature, they exist! but it is as if THEY do not and they have become, washed.. lost...horizontal made up of others rather than being spiritually vertical in their own light column, no purpose but to plot along aimlessly, dreamlessly... go to work. no self frequency, fear bogged must join the societal norms. It is no acheivement to have succesfully integrated into a sick society.
The ones in the societal mind-washing, "jarred" perceptions... planetary mind ascension need be had, this is what incorporates more light, hence is the next enlightenment.
Anyone.... can be part of  the Black Alliance... but this website is made to expose the more controlling "top order" black alliance members, and bring forth and bring together the information to help one realize so they to can see the black alliance and walk away and become a sovereign.

Who ever speaks and causes pain, worry, fear, hate, or uses power to threaten cheat steal or became part of a conspiracy to hide force and or separate one from another is part of the forces of the black alliance. Some are puppets.. but most are knowledgeable of this roll as they are bought and sold compromised and corrupted by a system which is designed to keep the light from entering, the light is getting stronger so they build bigger and bigger walls of lies wars disinformation deception untruth truth mixed with lies and make more enemies more secrets more revelations of secrets then they create more causes more injustice more so called healers more leaders more good guys more bad guys.. and more and more of the same.. CONFLICT. Stop the conflict in your heart, there are no winners in the world of the black alliance, you all loose you all die you all hate each other you all make mistakes you all are evil you all fight and steal from another… leave that world and join a new game where you live in peace….
On subsequent pages -!their_insanity 
​  -!lies_to_control_|c1z3m
Actual organizations, peoples and concepts will be discussed and information revealed in a more defined manner.


ABOUT The Black Alliance

Click here for more -my note; light an dark; lighted pathway 1

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