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Help wake up the shallows/slepwalkers, as they have not pondered here yet..

Humanity has been under the constraint of freqeuncy control..

*Each picture/section below will be further extrapolated on in the relevant page
This web site is heavily linked to consciousazine THE Activist page.

Ignorant, hence cute


The ones in darkness are also beings of light, they are just lost and will now re awaken and walk to the lighted pathway.. where forgiveness will be given once the card of revolution has finished playing. They to will attain realization of their actions.. and their lost ways..

Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something.
 ^ That would be lacking knowledge of their reality.

They act as gods over men when all are godly.

Their insanity

​Avoid the poisons of the black alliances society.. why black? analogous to the obfuscation of ingredients and poisons/toxins labeling informations. (visit the gallery of shame)

Their insanity is that they seem to think
they will remain hidden in an expansive increasingly transparent world.
So what happens when u go into a dark room and u shine a torch in one corner? u see the information that is there in that corner... and so it is apt analogously to name the controlling Few elites the main fronts of the black alliance as they withhold information of their very existence! (Bildenberg group-media blackout)

  • Bilderberg didnt exist since 1954 before 2005

    NSA didnt exist since 1951 before 2001

Secret Spaceprogram didnt exist and put up cold war spy-sattelites before 1993

MK-ULTRA didnt exist since the 1950s before 1975

CIA drug running didnt exist since 1947 before 1986


Piercing the dark veil


​" I to used to be a slave, then i experienced a kind of paralabola (spiritual underworld awakening) - ref underworld; mayans, -ref paralabola?; like a parabolic graph curve/trend... except not the line on the graph curving, but the beings perception and consciousness curving timespace.. to experience ... THE enlightenment. Then i became a SOVEREIGN once the catharsis ended in exhaltation. Since then i am filled with purpose... and it feels, wonder FULL."

The negative economic nightmare..


the soulless fictitious corporations illicit profit form the death industries,

those who are not killed for profit are educated to be domesticated slaves until they are harvested as another product for the benefit of the bottom line... WELCOME, to the current negative economic nightmare...

If you will not be part of their system, they lock you out.. and dont allow you to there is NO alternative.. mwahahahaha...

Every deed backed by greed, nothing but spiritual weeds they leave you to see.


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