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​Ignorent hence cute


the game begins once the player see's the end of the game as scarcity poverty depression and the fascist control of the few over the rights of many, the game starts when there is a realization that the biggest lie and the biggest theft was the willing enslavement of each individual to a corruption beyond the scope of comprehension the discovery that the power that is held by the elitest is based on the giving up of each individuals sacred labors and the fruits thereof.when the evils of the fiat money system are discovered understood or felt there is a realization that money does not come from a building a government or from a so called powerful or rich person but it comes from the value of each individuals labor and the moment there is an agreement that abundance is the natural and sovereign right of everyone on the planet to have what is created by their effort and to be free of enslavement by those who would abuse their will Over another. the idea of freedom and prosperity comes into the minds of those who feel and wish for power to create their own destiny when this happens the game begins between the sovereign individual and the BLACK ALLIANCE...
gold ring 35

They will achieve really nothing of value, because to the winner go the spoils and its lonely at the top, so upon their victory they will have a defeated problem that was acheived through dramatic struggle wherein they had to fight and kill for every breath for every step until they won a shallow spoiled victory. This is not what anyone wants but it is what there is upstream from where the current flows. Is it what it takes but only for a second will anyone savour this victory until the current washes them back and life ceaslesly moves on and on towards where the current flows, people are noble and care for others and wish for the best yet they venture upstream and move away from love and appreciation in their sturggle to get to the top they push against the current until it tears away at their.. hearts..



Things are rising to the surface to be cleared...

As they do, it is important to ...understand

"who" and "what" we have handed our power over to,



the planetary whole may make decisions

based on the good of the whole,

rather than a select few

as was the case in days past;

the ways of our fathers, and their fathers...

The wars that have been staged

to bring land, power, and wealth

to specific countries and/or leaders,

is not a reflection of an advanced, enlightened society,

rather an immature, adolescent mentality...

At the height of our evolutionary consciousness, we are capable of much more..,


~ The Secret Covenant of the Black Alliance ~ ~ * ~ The world is part of an illusion so large, so vast it escapes the perception of all but those who have wielded power for their dark benefit. Even so, their insanity keeps the lords of this power from any consciousness of their derangement. ~ Those of humanity who see are thought of as insane. The illusion is made with separate fronts to prevent anyone from seeing the connections between those who plot and create evil. They behave as if they are not connected to keep the illusion alive. ~ Their goal is accomplished one drop at a time so as never to bring suspicion upon themselves. This prevents us from seeing the changes as they occur to our world. They always stand above the relative field of human experience for they exist within a secret covenant of what appears to be an absolute power. They work together, and always remain bound by blood and secrecy. ~ Death comes to those who speak of the secret or who challenge them directly. They keep the life spans of humanity short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. They use knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so humanity never sees what is happening. ~ They use fear as a weapon. They establish governments, and establish oppositions within them. They own both sides. They always hide objectives but carry out plans. ~ We perform labor for them and they prosper from our toil. Their families never mix with humanity and they keep their blood pure always, for it is their way. They keep us separated from the Oneness by dogma and religion. They control all aspects of our lives and tell us what to think and how. They guide us gently, and gently letting us think that we are guiding ourselves. They foment animosity between us through our factions. ~ When a light shall shine among us they extinguish it by ridicule or death, whichever suits them best. They accomplish this by using hate as their ally, anger as their friend. The hate they generate blinds us, totally, and never do we see that from our conflict they emerge as our rulers. They are busy getting us to kill each other in wars. They bathe in our blood and we kill our neighbor for as long as they see fit. They benefit greatly from this, for we do not see them. For we cannot see them. They continue to prosper from our wars and our deaths. They repeat this over and over until their ultimate goal is accomplished. They continue to make us live in fear and anger through mind control with images and sounds. ~ They use all the tools they have to accomplish this. The tools are provided by our labor. They make us hate ourselves and our neighbors. They always hide the divine truth from us, that we are all One. This we must never know. We must never know that color is an illusion. We must always think we are not equal. ~ Drop by drop, drop by drop, they advance their goal. They take over our land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over us. They deceive us into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom we have. ~ They establish a money system that imprisons us forever, keeping us and our children in debt. ~ When we band together they accuse us of crimes and present a different story to the world for they own all the media. They use the mainstream media to control the flow of information and their sentiments in their favor. ~ When we rise up against them they crush us like insects for we are less than that to them. We are helpless to do anything for we have no weapons. They recruit some of our own to carry out their plans. They promise them eternal life. But eternal life they never will have for it is an illusion. The recruits are called initiates and are indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. ~ Members of these groups think they are one with them, never knowing the truth. They never learn the truth for the initiates will turn against them. ~ While working with their plan they are rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they see the lies and become immortal. Never will they receive the light. ~ They never reach the higher realms for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the higher realms. This they never know. The illusion is hidden so close we are unable to focus on it until it is too late. Now that we know it is not too late....


The power in the world has been in the hands of a few for a long time.

There was nothing wrong with that, just a sign of the times.

This system is called a hierarchy.----

only the big corporations win. In turn, they create new market oligopolies and monopolies of previously unknown dimensions. The market hence only remains free for them, while it is rendered unfree for all others who are condemned to an existence of dependency (as enforced producers, workers and consumers) or excluded from the market altogether (if they have neither anything to sell or buy).more than fifty percent of the world’s population fall into this group today, and the percentage is rising.

(stt i say 99%- as per the hierarchical pyramid)[8]

choosing inward diversification. AND sidelines instead of choosing sides.frequency control.

inward diversification :S let's give more money to bankers instead. SETI shutting down due to financial constraints.!/notes/kazi-kearse/they-are-killing-the-world/209947299023975


You can never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

~Buckminster Fuller~and so this is what is being done- new paradigms- new meta paradigm-new disk into the master drive of humanity- new earth programs.


Consciousazine PRODUCTIONS

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